Category Mahatma Gandhi

What was the Quit India Movement?

            The Quit India Movement was a civil disobedience movement launched by Mahatma Gandhi on 8th August 1942, at the Bombay Session of the All India Congress Committee.

            A resolution was passed demanding an immediate end to the British rule. A mass non-violent struggle was organized on the widest scale possible. Gandhiji’s slogan of ‘Do or Die’ inspired millions of Indians and strengthened their determination to die, rather than give up the goal of freedom. The British response to the movement was quick. The Congress was banned and most of its leaders were arrested before they could start mobilizing the people.

            The people, however, were unstoppable. They attacked all the symbols of the British government such as railway stations, law courts and police stations. Railway lines were damaged and telegraph lines were cut. In some places, people even formed alternative governments. The British responded to this with terrible brutality. However, though they could oppress the people, they could not suppress the people’s demand that foreign rulers should quit India. 

What was the role of the Cripps Mission?

          Winston Churchill’s declaration in the British Parliament to send Sir Stafford Cripps to India seemed a good decision.

          Sir Stafford Cripps arrived in Delhi on 22nd March1942 and immediately started his discussions with the Governor General and the counsellors.

          The leaders of different parties met him and consultations and discussions went on for twenty days. Nehru and Maulana Azad represented the Congress. Mohammed Ali Jinnah represented the Muslims and B.R. Ambedkar represented the socially backward classes. Leaders from all the communities of Indian society were represented.

          Cripps had prepared a draft declaration for Indian leaders which included terms like the establishment of dominion status for India, introduction of a constitutional assembly and the granting of rights to the provinces to make separate constitutions. These offers would be granted only after the conclusion of the war. The Congress committee rejected the proposals because they were related primarily to the future.

          Cripps proposals were suddenly withdrawn on 11th April 1942. The whole drama of the Cripps Mission to India seemed to be only a propaganda move, without any intention of acceding to India’s demands.

          Cripps Mission’s proposals were unacceptable to Gandhiji and the Congress. Commenting on this, Gandhiji said, “It is a post-dated cheque on a crashing bank”. 

Why is it said that World War II also brought significant changes in India?

            The British tried to lure India with the promise of a free state in return of their valuable support during war time. But the Indians were rebuffed when they were asked for Independence. Gandhiji did not accept this offer as he firmly believed in non-violence. 

            The period of the Second World War was a not only a period of external tensions, but also internal conflicts. The great famine of Bengal of 1943 was one of the many disasters India faced during the war.

            Despite the disastrous effects of World War II, it brought about a golden age in the colonies of Britain. The age of anxiety paved the way for the age of hope and freedom. Despite its many aftermaths, the end of the imperialistic era was glorious. The repercussion of the war occurred in all its colonies. India lost the lives of many army men. The cries for self-government and the loss of faith in the ruling imperialists were heard everywhere.

            Although Mahatma Gandhi works for India’s freedom from the British Empire since 1915, it was not until Britain was embroiled in World War II that the goal of Indian independence finally came within reach.

            In August of 1942, the All India Congress Committee gathered in Bombay, to formally endorse the Quit India movement, which called for an immediate end to British imperialism. 

Why was Gandhiji put into jail again once he got back from the Round Table Conference?

          Gandhiji returned from England to India on December 28th, 1931. He addressed a huge gathering in Bombay- “I have come back empty handed, but I have not compromised the honour of my country”.

          The British, intent on preventing any further civil disobedience movements in India, arrested Nehru and some other Congress leaders two days prior to Gandhiji’s arrival. Gandhiji was arrested on a century old regulation of no trial or no fixed term of imprisonment. Once again, he was confined in Yerwada prison.

          Dr. B.R. Ambedkar demanded voting rights for untouchables and also a separate electorate for them, because he believed that otherwise his men would be swayed away by the caste Hindus. Many leaders opposed this view. Gandhiji opposed it for a different reason- he believed that no line of separation should be established between untouchables and the mainstream of the society. Accordingly, Gandhiji started a fast, until death in prison for the voting rights of the Harijans. The steadfast decision and his goodwill were accepted.

          Gandhiji’s appeal and the efforts of the Congress leaders, soon led to a general campaign against untouchability. Many temples and wells throughout India were opened to the untouchables. But, unfortunately this campaign did not last very long. 

Why was Gandhiji’s visit to Lancashire significant?

               Lancashire was the heart of Britain’s textile industry, which was greatly affected by the boycott of foreign clothes by Indians. Therefore, Gandhiji’s visit to this place was a significant move.

               Gandhiji proclaimed at Springvale Garden Village, “There is no boycott of British cloth, as distinguished from other foreign cloth, since the 5th of March when the truce was signed. As a nation, we have pledged to boycott all foreign cloth, but in case of an honourable settlement between England and India, I should not hesitate to give preference to Lancashire cloth over all other foreign cloth, to the extent that we may need to supplement our cloth and on agreed terms”. He spoke of being the “representative of half-naked, half-starved dumb Indians”. He was pained by the unemployment created in the Lancashire cotton mills as a result of the boycott of foreign cloths in India. He did not fail to meet a single group of workers in the factory. And, he went on to explain the fact that there was no starvation or semi starvation among Lancashire workers. But, he said “we have both”. He told them about the poor standard of living of the Indians compared to the high resources they enjoyed.

               Even the unemployed workers were over-whelmed by Gandhiji’s answers. They were happier because such a mighty person from India came and spoke to them face to face.

              Gandhiji had no faith in creating his country’s happiness at the cost of the happiness of another country.

               The workers of the Lancashire villages understood that their condition was far better than that of the starving crores of people in India. Towards the conclusion of their communication, Gandhiji delivered the hope of an independent India which will be an equal partner for England in the future ahead.


Why is it said that Gandhiji’s attire in London gained everyone’s attention?

          Gandhiji’s attire was, in a way, a potent political weapon for him, at least in the later phase of India’s fight for freedom. He believed that the way one dresses was an act of self expression and the use of Khadi that was spun by him was an act of self reliance.

          We can see the evolution in Gandhiji’s dressing style from the time he was a law student in England, then a barrister in South Africa to the period of our freedom struggle. Gandhiji’s decision to change his attire was a momentous one. This epoch-making decision was taken by Gandhiji in Madurai after he decided to work for and work with, the poor people of India. He believed that they would identify him as one among them only when he wore simple clothes. He stuck to this attire even when he travelled on trips abroad and until his last breath. When he attended the round table conference, Gandhiji was in a dhoti and a shawl.

          Once, when he visited Buckingham Palace, he was asked whether he felt unclothed compared to the King George V. Gandhiji retorted humorously that the King had enough on him for both of them! Gandhiji was appreciated by many, in spite of his dressing style. In short, Gandhiji’s personal habits, his attire, and his diet, fascinated the English people.