Can plants move?

 Amazingly, yes they can. Some kinds of primitive plants living in water have very small tentacles which they thrash around in the water to propel themselves along. Looking at them, you might they were animals, not plants. But even ordinary plants are on the move all the time – only very slowly.

Roots burrow into the earth in search of moisture. Tendrils reach out for something to cling to and climb. When they find a support, they quickly curl round it and soon become firmly attached. Flowers turn towards the sun. The sunflower even has an Italian name meaning ‘turning with the sun’, because it follows the sun round during the course of a day. And many flowers, like the daisy, open their petals in the morning when the sun shines on them, and close them again at the end of the day, when the light fades.


Picture Credit : Google

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