No. Spiders belong to a group called arachnids, which also includes scorpions, mites and ticks. Spiders all have eight legs, one pair more than insects. They have two body parts – a head and an abdomen – and most have eight simple eyes.

Is it true? Spiders and insects have bones.

No. Instead they all have a hard casing on the outside called an exoskeleton. This protects their soft insides like a suit of armour and gives them their shape. They have to replace this casing with a new one in order to grow.

Amazing! There are creepy-crawlies living just about everywhere in the world, under water, in caves, down deep holes and even on the tops of mountains. Most of the animals in the world are insects. They make up 85% of all known animal species and there are probably millions more waiting to be discovered!

What makes an insect an insect?

Although they may look different from one another, every adult insect has six legs and three parts to its body. The head is at the front, the thorax in the middle and the abdomen at the back. Many insects have wings for flying and long feelers or antennae.

What is a minibeast?

Creepy-crawlies can also be called minibeasts. You will find other kinds of minibeasts, which are related to spiders and insects, such as woodlice, slugs, snails, worms, centipedes and millipedes.

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