Why do old people get shorter?

            The spine becomes shorter in older people because the pad of cartilage between the bony vertebrae grows thinner. Older people often lose bone in a condition called osteoporosis. This usually affects elderly women, although it can also appear in men. The bone becomes spongy, and when it affects the vertebrae in the spine they may collapse. This causes pain, and also makes the person’s spine shorter and curved. Osteoporosis can be treated with drugs, and a diet containing the mineral calcium can also help. Calcium is plentiful in milk and cheese.

Do people become forgetful in old age?

            It is very common for old people to become forgetful, although many retain perfect memories from long ago.

            Many things can cause forgetfulness. Sometimes the blood supply to the brain is not effective. The brain cells become starved of oxygen and nutrients, leading to dizzy spells and forgetfulness. Dementia is a condition where forgetfulness becomes a serious problems, and the person may not be able to look after himself or herself. Alzheimer’s disease is the most serious form of dementia. For most old people, memories bring great pleasure. Strangely, even though recent events may be forgotten, old people often clearly remember events that took place in their childhood.

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