A honey bee sucking nectar or pollen from a flower is an example of which type of association?

Pollination is one of the most fascinating processes in the natural world. Pollination is how flowering plants reproduce. The process involves the transfer of pollen from the male parts to the female parts of the same or another plant. For some plants, this movement of pollen requires the action of another organism, a pollinator. Plants and their pollinators form a mutualistic relationship, a relationship in which each benefits from the other. In the plant-pollinator relationship, the pollinator benefits by feeding on food rewards provided by the flower, primarily nectar and pollen. In return, the plant benefits as the pollinator moves from flower to flower, transferring pollen as it forages for the food rewards. This movement of pollen allows the plant to reproduce and to exchange genetic information with other plants. Most flowering plants require relationships with pollinators to reproduce.

Unfortunately, pollinator populations worldwide are in decline, which negatively affects the flowering plants that depend on them. It also means trouble for humans, as we all depend on the services of pollinators in many different ways, from the food we eat to the air we breathe. This decline in pollinator populations is due in part to human practices that have contributed to a loss of wild and flower-rich habitat. By changing some of our practices, such as how we manage flowering plants in our gardens and farms, we can help conserve these vital pollinator species.

Credit : Extension 

Picture Credit : Google

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