William Bronk was an army man and a modern poet. Bronk was first a draftee, and then an officer in the American army. He was discharged from the army following the end of World War II in October 1945.
Bronk was born on February 17th, 1918 in New York. He entered Dartmouth College as a sixteen year old, and earned his graduate degree.
‘Light and Dark’, published in 1975, was his first collection of poetry. ‘The World, the Worldless’ was another great work. The angst and anxiety of modern life are featured in his poems. However the poet does not fall prey to hopelessness.
Bronk explored time and space, as well as the nature of consciousness in his poems. His poems resemble those of Wallace Stevens.
Bronk was also a known essayist. ‘Vectors and Smoothable Curves’ is a famous collection of essays written over a period of 40 years. Diverse subjects were also dealt with in his essays. William Bronk died on February 22nd, 1999.