Sir Humphrey Davy was an English chemist who made many notable contributions to science, especially in electrochemistry. He is renowned for the invention, in 1815, of the Davy safety lamp that helped to prevent explosions in coal mines. Davy was the first to isolate several chemical elements, including sodium and potassium.
He discovered boron, and found that nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, had anaesthetic properties that could be useful in surgery. Davy did many experiments on the effect of breathing in certain gases- and once, almost killed himself by inhaling a mixture of toxic gases.
His research included work on early forms of electric batteries, and the use of electricity to isolate chemical elements. He also analyzed mineral, and completed many studies in tanning and agriculture chemistry.
Did you know that in 1809, Humphrey Davy invented the very first electric light? He did this by connecting two wires to a single battery, and then attaching a charcoal strip between the other two ends of the wires. The charged carbon then glowed, making the very first arc lamp. Humphrey Davy was one of the greatest scientists, ever in the history of mankind.