Which is the world’s ugliest colour?

The world’s ugliest colour is Opaque Couché. And it has an important job – discouraging smoking. An Australian agency was hired by the government to find a colour that was so repugnant that if it was on tobacco products, it would dissuade people from smoking. Respondents to the agency’s survey said that Opaque Couché (Pantone 448C) reminded them of death and filth. The colour was then adopted for all tobacco packaging along with graphic health warnings. PANTONE 448C now covers 25% of each and every cigarette package, no matter its size. Since the introduction of the standardized packaging the number of smokers in Australia, according to a government report, has dropped by 118,000. We may never know if PANTONE 448C had an impact on this substantial decline in smokers, but it’s safe to say the color is less than appealing.


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