Humidity is the presence of water vapor in the atmosphere. The more water evaporates in a given area, the more water vapor rises into the air, and the higher the humidity of that area is. Hot places tend to be more humid than cool places because heat causes water to evaporate faster.

It might sound like water evaporation is a bad thing. Liquid water is useful, plus, you know, essential for all life. Water vapor doesn’t seem like it’s useful for much of anything–other than making you uncomfortable. Believe it or not, though, water evaporation and humidity serve a critical function of the natural world. We couldn’t do without it!

When liquid water evaporates into gaseous water vapor, it has completed one third of the all-important water cycle. The water cycle is nature’s way of distributing water to things that need it. If water didn’t evaporate, we wouldn’t have clouds, and it would never rain!


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