What is El Nino?

El Nino is a warm band of water which flows in the sea along the coast of South America. Scientists blame El Nino for changing the weather, by causing more storms, floods, droughts and tornadoes every few years.

Is it true? It can rain cats and dogs.

No. But you can get showers of fish, frogs, flowers, coal, nuts and even maggots! Scientists think the wind scoops them up, and then they fall again in the rain.

What are monsoons?

Monsoons are winds which bring heavy rain to tropical places such as India and South East Asia, during the summer months. Farmers rely on this rain to water their crops, because during the cooler months, there might be little or no rainfall.

Amazing! A turtle once fell in a hailstone in the USA. It had somehow been sucked up into a thundercloud and covered in layers of ice.

What is a sandstorm?

A sandstorm is a thick, choking cloud of sand whipped up by the wind in the desert. If you get caught in a sandstorm the best thing to do is cover your nose and mouth. Then you won’t breathe the choking sand in.

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