What can Sophia the robot do?

At a time when it is difficult for humans to get citizenship of a particular country, Sophia, a humanoid robot developed by Hong Kong- based Hanson Robotics was conferred citizenship by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in October 2017. Sophia looks and talks like a human. From after, you can probably not even say she’s a robot!

She is fashioned after Audrey Hepburn, can walk, talk and emote too. And now, Sophia, the world’s first robot citizen who came calling here this week, can also draw sketches, contextualise a conversation and attach faces with names, say its makers.

The delicate looking woman robot with doe-brown eyes and long fluttering eyelashes, who mesmerised the world when she was activated in 2016, is getting smarter by the day.

Sophia, dressed in a black skirt and a grey metallic shirt, was part of several industrial and social robots, including ‘Professor Einstein’, exhibited at the 28th IEEE Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN2019) here.


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