Plants make their own food using sunlight. Most plants are held in the ground by their roots, and have green leaves. There are thousands of types of plants, ranging from huge oak trees to small ones like this fuchsia.


Plants usually grow in the earth or soil. The roots dig deep into the ground, keeping the plant in place. They also soak up mineral salts and water from the soil.


The stem supports the leaves and flowers holding them up towards the light. The stem also carries water and nutrients in the form of mineral salts from the roots to the rest of the plant.


Plants use their green leaves to capture energy from the Sun’s rays. The leaves use this energy, together with carbon dioxide from the air, and water, to make food for the whole plant.


Most plants have flowers for reproduction. They have male pollen and female eggs, which join together to make seeds.


Fruits, such as berries, are the parts of flowering plant that contain seeds. Once in the ground, the seeds will grow into new plants.

Why we need plants?

Nearly every animal relies on plants in some way or other. Some animals, called herbivores, eat only plants. Human grow lots of types of plants just for their flowers. Some types of tree are grown for their wood.


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