Do you like to compete? Are you ready to take on the world?
If you are, try the Olympic Games. In the Olympics, athletes representing countries around the world compete for gold, silver, and bronze medals. And the whole world watches.
Do you like archery, fencing, boxing, or rowing? The Olympics have a competition for you. Many sports are included in the Olympic Games. The Winter Olympic Games feature athletes who ski, sled, and skate. The Summer Olympic Games have swimmers, runners, cyclists, jumpers, and gymnasts.
In some sports, players compete in teams. In others, it’s you against your opponent. In some sports, you might race against the clock to beat the record. Ice skaters, divers, and gymnasts all perform before judges who rate their skills.
In sports, someone wins and someone loses. In the Olympic Games, a world-class skier or swimmer might win a medal by only 0.02 seconds! When you race, you might lose by a hair – or you might win.
Games help you learn to be a good sport – to do your best and enjoy playing, whether win or lose.
After an Olympic event, the top three players or teams are honored with a special ceremony and medals – gold, silver, and bronze.
The lighting of the Olympic flame is a tradition at the Olympic Games. It stands for spirit, knowledge, life, and peace.
You have to be very strong for the weightlifting competition. Some people lift more than 454 kilograms.
The Olympics have many track and field events. Some include running, but others involve jumping or throwing things.
Downhill skiing, or Alpine skiing, can have athletes hurtling down a mountain at speeds of about 97 kilometres per hour.
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