What are flares?

While prominences are analogous to ordinary flames, flares are analogous to sudden bursts of flame such as would happen if an ordinary fire were to pass over a stock of petrol. Flares are therefore similar to prominences, only more spectacular. Flares are so violent that they are usually ejected out of the Sun. A flare is seen as a short-lived (typically lasting a few minutes) burst of light. However, it gives out a variety of radiations from X-rays to radio waves, which may sometimes cause disturbances even on Earth.


What kind of disturbances can be caused on Earth by solar flares?

The radiation from solar flares may cause curtain-like auroral displays in the sky and interference in radio communication, by causing disturbances in the Earth’s atmosphere and magnetic field disruptions.

What is the energy released in a solar flare?

A force equal to about ten million hydrogen bombs.





What are solar filaments?

Smaller solar prominences in the form of streams and lops occurring in front of the Solar disc appear as dark lines ( since they are colder than surrounding area) and are known as filaments.