What is a Black Hole?

A Black Hole is the extremely massive remnant of a dying star. A Black Hole is so massive that its gravity prevents anything from escaping. Not even light can escape from a Black Hole. In other words, the escape velocity of a Black Hole is greater than that of light.

How did the Black Hole get its name?

A Black Hole is actually no light to radiate and appears dark. Also anything falling into it cannot get out ever.

What is the alternative name for a Black Hole?

A Black Hole is actually a star which has collapsed beyond the neutron star stage. It is therefore also called a collapsed star or “Collapsar” for brevity. If the entire Earth collapses to form a neutron star it would have a diameter of 200 meters. If it further collapses to from a Black hole, it would be just the size of a golf ball.



What is the boundary of Black Hole?

Using Einstein’s General Theory of Relatively, it is possible to calculate, for a known amount of matter in the Black Hole, the distance at which the escape velocity is equal to the speed of light. This radius is the boundary of the Black Hole. Any object going closer to it than the Schwarzchild radius must fall into the Black Hole. Hence the boundary of a Black Hole is not actually the boundary of a solid body but the boundary of the region of space from which nothing can escape. The larger the mass of the Black Hole, the greater will be its Schwarzchild radius.

Can a Black Hole expand?

The Schwarzchild radius of a Black Hole depends on the total mass in the Black Hole. It matter in the vicinity of a Black Hole falls into it, the mass of the Black Hole will increase and it will expand.

Can a Black Hole shrink?

A Black Hole maintains its enormous gravity at the expense of its internal energy. Hence a Black Hole standing by itself in space will slowly start shrinking and eventually disappear out of existence when its mass is consumed entirely.