What is albedo?

Albedo refers to the proportion of incident light reflected back in all directions from the surface of a body. A perfect reflector has an albedo of 1, and a perfect non-reflector has an albedo of 0. The term usually applied to celestial objects within the solar system. A planet with clouds and atmosphere will have a higher albedo. The Moon has an albedo of 0.07 as it absorbs 93% of the sunlight falling on it and reflects the Balance 7%. The albedo of atmosphere less Mercury is 0.06, while Earth and Venus have albedos of 0.39 and 0.76 respectively.



What is the effect of albedo on the reflecting body?

The body heats up on absorbing the incident radiation. Hence a planet with a low albedo would warm up more, when sunlight falls on it.

What are the objects near zero albedos?

Some of the asteroids have up more, when sunlight falls on it.