How to change TikTok username?

When you create an account on TikTok, the platform assigns you a username, usually based on your email address. If you’re not happy with your random handle, you can change it. Tap ‘Me’ in the navigation bar, then go to Edit>Username, and type in a new one. Tap Save>Set username, and on the pop-up. Double-check your choice before you do so, as you won’t be able to change your username for another 30 days.

Of course, one of the real purposes of having a username is as part of your online security. Therefore, TikTok and, indeed, most online sites, don’t make it too easy to change your username. They need to make sure that it is really you and not some imposter trying to gain access to your account.

Site administrators typically use usernames to help keep their site in order, helping to keep appropriate conversations and other posts in and spam out. While you may find it annoying having to log into TikTok and your other accounts often, particularly with a new or updated device, it at least ensures that everything runs smoothly and keeps those trying to commit online mischief away from your account.

Of course, there is another reason why usernames are essential. They are an insight into you as a person. They represent your online persona. 

Some people put much time and energy into coming up with the ideal username for their personality. This can be particularly challenging when you consider that everybody has to have a unique username.

Other people don’t care less, and are happy to accept TikTok’s suggestions – Mike789 or Miley567 are typical examples of this. 

Of course, some people deliberately go for enigmatic usernames, perhaps even a random jumble of letters and numbers to confuse those people who prefer a neater, tidier approach to name their accounts.


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