How is the life on Earth?

Although there may be life elsewhere in our Solar System, we haven’t discovered it yet. The only place we know has life for sure is Earth. Our home planet is at just the right distance from our Sun for liquid water to exist, and has all the other key ingredients to make life possible.

Recipe for life

 In the mixing bowl are the key ingredients needed for life as we know it. You will need:

Raw material

The raw materials needed for life are found all over Earth – for example in soil. However soil needs water and energy from the Sun before life can appear.


Liquid water is essential for life. It allows crucial changes to take place between raw materials.


Life on Earth would not be possible without a constant source of energy, such as the Sun.

What are we made of?

From the biggest whale in the ocean to a tiny mouse, all life on Earth has one thing in common – it is all made from the same stuff. It may not look like a whale, but a mouse is made of the same raw materials.


Nearly everything that makes up our bodies, and everything else on Earth, was created when dying stars exploded. These explosions send raw materials like carbon and oxygen hurtling across space, and these raw materials are what we are made of. That means that you are made of stardust!


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