Category Great Civilizations

Why is it said that the Wari Civilization was a prominent civilization?

            The Wari is an Andean civilization that flourished in Ancient Peru between AD 450 -1000.

            They left a significant influence on later civilizations like Nazca.

            They were an advanced civilization. The more militaristic Wari were also gifted agriculturalists. They constructed canals to irrigate terraced fields.

            They were good at art as well as architecture. They used distinctive decorative motifs on pottery. The main motif was the Doorway God, which was a figure often represented with a rectangular face and rayed headdress.

            It is believed that the people of Wari were the first to use terrace agriculture, which was later adapted and developed by the Incas. The Wari implemented a combined strategy of military might, economic benefits, and distinct artistic imagery to forge a civilization across ancient Peru. 

Why is it said that the agricultural methods of the Aztecs were unique?

          From the floating fields called chinampas to the terrace crops grown, the Aztecs proved themselves to be much advanced as far as agriculture was concerned. The Aztecs mainly used four methods of agriculture.

          Prominent among them was agriculture using chinampas. Chinampas were often set up in lakes with the help of poles. The Aztecs overcame the lack of conventional farming land by chinampas. Each chinampa was framed by a group of up to fifteen people.

          The second form of agriculture was ‘rainfall cultivation’. The Aztecs also implemented terrace agriculture in hilly areas.

          In the valleys irrigation farming was used. Dams diverted water from natural springs to the fields. The Aztecs’ canal system was much effective. It was long enough to provide water to entire Aztec cultivations. 

Why is it said that the Aztecs were good at city building and decorative arts?

The Aztecs created some of the most impressive temples and pyramids the world has ever seen. The Great pyramid in Tenochtitlan is the finest example of their architectural skills.

Tenochtitlan was the capital city of the Aztec Empire. It was built on a series of islets in Lake Texcoco. The city was divided into four city sections called campans and was connected with canals which were highly useful in transportation. 

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What was the Aztec society like?

               The class system was prevalent among the Aztecs like in many other civilizations. There were different social classes within the Aztec society. Nobility, the highest class was known as pipiltin. They had many privileges like having a house of more than one storey. They were permitted to wear sandals and cotton clothing, while commoners were required to go barefooted. The second class was the peasants, who were known as macehualtin.

               Some men called mayeque, farmed fields belonging to the nobility.

               The slaves among Aztecs were known as tlacotin. Among the Aztecs, people could choose to become slaves when they were very poor.

               Travelling merchants called pochtecah were a small, but important class as they not only facilitated commerce, but also communicated vital information across the empire, and beyond its borders. They sometimes worked as spies for the Aztec Empire. 

Why is it said that the Aztec Empire is considered as one of the most powerful empires that ever emerged?



               The Aztec Empire was an empire that extended its power throughout Mesoamerica in the late post classic period. It originated in 1427 as a triple-alliance between the city states of Tenochtitlan, Texcoco, and Tlacopan. They allied to defeat the state of Azcapotzalco which had previously dominated the Basin of Mexico. 




               The Aztec Empire extended its power by a combination of trade and military conquest. They had a large well organized and well equipped army. Like a modern army, it was divided into units under the command of officers.

               The Aztec Empire controlled its vassal states by installing friendly rulers. They also contracted marriage alliances with ruling families. Their territory reached as far as Pacific Ocean. At the time of the Spanish conquest in 1519, the Aztecs were at the zenith of their power. 

Who were the Aztecs?

          The Aztecs were a group native to Central Mexico and the northwestern part of Guatemala.

          They lived in a city called Tenochtitlan, which was surrounded by two of Mexico’s highest mountains. They got their water from mountain springs. Food was either grown or hunted. The Aztecs spoke the Nahuatl language.

          The Aztecs were credited with the discovery of cocoa bean, and they made chocolate using cocoa bean. They believed that cocoa seed were a gift of the god of wisdom. They even used cocoa beans as currency – it’s strange, but true.  

          The Aztecs used chocolate to make a beverage which they introduced to the Spanish. The Spanish enjoyed it too, and thus made its way to Europe.

          Later, the Aztec food and beverages became very popular in Europe. 

Why is Machu Picchu considered as an icon of Inca Civilization?

            The sacred city of Machu Picchu is considered as one of the most spectacular ancient cities. More interesting is the fact that it was built on the most difficult, wild, and inaccessible mountain area. The city that was built around 1450 is a magnificent sight, and it served as a royal estate for Inca emperors and nobles.

            Its construction is dated to the period of two great Inca rulers, Pachacutec Inca Yupanqui and Tupac Inca Yupanqui. The city nestles in between two mountains called Machu Picchu and Huayna Picchu.

            The city Machu Picchu is made up of more than 150 buildings ranging from baths and houses to temples and sanctuaries.

            A stone aqueduct brought a supply of fresh water from the mountain streams to the houses. Machu Picchu is the greatest example of the Inca brilliance in the field of architecture.

            The ancient city is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 

What were the various social classes in the Inca society?

          Today’s world allows us to communicate with anyone regardless of social class, or even social status. But this was not the case with the Inca Civilization. If you had to communicate, you had to be within the same social class, or else you would be punished. Strange, isn’t it?

          The Incas had four main social classes. The Sapa Inca, the emperor or the king, was the top of the Inca social class. Sapa Inca’s wife was called the Coya; she served as the queen of the society.

          Below the royals were the nobility, who were the relatives of the royals. But there was another way to be in the nobility class and that was by achieving distinction through education or other training fields.

          The majority of Inca society was composed of Ayllu. Ayllu members were expected to take care of the cattle’s and had many other important tasks. They were often responsible for the preservation and care of honoured mummies of the ancestors. In exchange for their work, they were paid. 


Why is it said that the architecture and administration of the Incas were special?

          The Incas had an incredible system of roads. Since they lived in the Andes Mountains, it took great engineering and architectural skill to build the roads. Their cities were advanced. They had very efficient drainage and water supply system. A series of finely carved stone channels and basins carried water down through the mountain cities. The stone masons of the Inca Empire were very skilled, and they built marvellous shrines using stones.

          The government of the Inca Empire was organized like a pyramid, with the emperor Sapa Inca at the top. The emperor was believed to be descended from the sun and was treated as a god.

          The chief priest or Willaq Umu was the second to the emperor. The Incas had a council that comprised of 16 nobles. This council helped the emperor in administration. The Incas kept records of their administration by using knotted strings called quipu. 

Why is it said that the Incas had a unique belief about the afterlife?

               It may sound strange that the Incas had a festival called the ‘Festival of Dead’, where the dead emperors were paraded through the streets. The Incas strongly believed in the afterlife.

               According to the Inca belief, death was a passage to the next world that was full of difficulties. They called the spirit of the dead ‘camaquen’ and believed that a camaquen need the help of a black dog that can see even in darkness, so that they could pass the long road ahead of them. 



               They embalmed, or mummified their dead before burial. After the burial, relatives would bring food to the tomb of their beloved.

               The Incas did not practice creamation. They believed that, burning would cause their vital force to disappear, and also block their passage to the next world. The Incas also believed that the dead could hear them.