Category Science & Technology

What is a Newtonian reflector?

The first successful practical reflecting telescope was built by Newton. Until then telescopes were large unwieldy instruments. The design of the telescope was recast by Newton on the basis of his theory of optics. He used mirrors instead of lenses and the result was a new telescope 10 times smaller than the traditional ones.

Earlier also many efforts were made to make more powerful telescopes using larger lenses. They were unsuccessful as the lens kept producing coloured rainbows around bright objects like the Moon and the planets. The coloured fringes formed due to the unequal refraction of colours by the lens were unavoidable in simple telescopes.

Newton was under the assumption that no lens could rectify this issue. Though this was a mistaken assumption, it led him to use a mirror to form an image and thereby to build a reflecting telescope. This is now called the Newtonian reflector. A curved mirror brings rays of light to a focus and forms an image by reflection (whereas a lens does it by bending or refraction). Some of the largest telescopes used today are based on the telescope made by Newton in 1668.

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What is the application of the laws of motion for astronauts in space?

The laws of motion are applicable even in outer space. Newton’s Second Law states that force is needed to increase or decrease the speed of a body. This implies that astronauts must learn to push themselves through their spacecraft, or else they will float around helplessly. They also need to remember to stop themselves as they near their destination or else they’ll keep moving till they hit something.

During their first attempt, astronauts usually end up a little worse for the wear after stumbling around the spacecraft. Unlike humans, animals flown to space often fail to learn this. A set of new-born quails aboard Russia’s Mir space station couldn’t adapt to life in space and died in a few days. Newton’s Third Law too has application for astronauts. The law states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. While turning a screw, astronauts have to anchor themselves to a wall, or else they’ll be the ones twisting. Even the mildest action like typing at a computer keyboard will send an astronaut floating away. To remedy this problem, workstation on the international space station has restraining loops for the crew to anchor their feet.

Though it may seem like the laws of motion are different in space and on Earth that is not the case. The overwhelming force of Earth’s gravitational field simply masks its exact effects. Gravity plays an astonishing part in many phenomena we take for granted. For instance, hot air (which is lighter than cool air) rises, and a convection current is formed which enables natural air circulation in our houses. In space however, nothing is lighter than anything else and ordinary convection currents do not exist. Thus, to make sure that the astronauts don’t suffocate due to carbon dioxide accumulation, a ventilation fan is installed to facilitate air circulation.

The International Space Station is a perfect example of the laws of motion. Though intuition and common-sense points otherwise, Newton realized that a bullet shot from a gun should continue to move indefinitely. On Earth, atmospheric friction slows the projectile while gravitational force pulls it to the ground. But the faster the bullet is shot, the farther it will travel before falling. And if you can manage to shoot something at a speed of around 11.2 km/s, it will never finish its trajectory. It will instead orbit the Earth in a state of perpetual free fall. This particular velocity (11.2 km/s) cancels the pull of Earth’s gravity and is used to launch spacecraft.

Even fire is not exempt from the laws of motion in space. Behaviour of weightless flames is rather different from those on Earth. However, such a fire is best limited to the lab as fire aboard a spacecraft can have catastrophic effects.

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How are Newton’s laws of motion involved in launching a space rocket?

The sizes of rockets range from small fireworks used by ordinary people to massive Saturn Vs that once carried payloads toward the Moon. Newton’s third law of motion explains the propulsion of all rockets, jet engines, deflating balloons, and even the movement of squids and octopuses.

The engines of rockets need to overcome both the pull of gravity and the inertia of the rocket as stated in the first law. According to Newton’s Third Law, “every action has an equal and opposite reaction”. A rocket is pushed forward by the push of the burning fuel at its front. This also creates an equal and opposite push on the exhaust gas backwards.

Once they’re in motion, they won’t stop until a force is applied. As per Newton’s second law, as mass of the object increases, the force needed to move it also increases. The larger a rocket, the stronger the force (for instance, more fuel) to make it accelerate. A space shuttle requires around three kilograms of fuel for every kilogram of payload it carries.

Astronauts in space must also keep the laws of motion in mind. During his pioneering orbit of the Earth in 1961, Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin was the first to experience the practical effects. Gagarin put down his pencil while writing his log. In keeping with Newton;s first law, by which the planets move around the Sun, the pencil floated out of reach. He ended up completing the log using a tape recorder. Now astronauts keep their equipment tethered to a surface with Velcro or bungee straps.

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Did scientists and engineers benefit from Newton’s laws of motion?

The publication of Newton’s laws of motion proved to be greatly advantageous for scientists and engineers across the globe. His laws have found applications in everything with moving parts whether it is the design for machines and scientific equipment or clocks and wheeled devices. On the basis of these laws, it was possible to predict whether a machine would work even before it was built.

In the nineteenth century, British engineer lsambard Kingdom Brunel, built huge steamships and suspension bridges using Newton’s laws. James Watt couldn’t have made the first working steam engine without the laws of motion. We use these laws even today to solve the problems related to the construction of modern structures and tall buildings.

Newton’s laws of motion are still the basis of modern mechanical engineering. Its application is spread across different fields. Everyone from oil-well technicians to space engineers and car designers to satellite constructors utilise these laws.

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How Newton’s laws of motion are directly connected to our daily life?

Newton presented the three laws on motion in 1687 in his book Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica. The universal laws of motion describe the relationship between any object, the forces acting upon it and the resulting motion.

The first law of motion or the law of inertia states that if a body is at rest or moving at a constant speed, it will continue in that state unless it is acted upon by an external force. This tendency of massive bodies to resist changes in their state of motion is called inertia.

Using this law of motion, we can explain why a car stops when it hits a wall but the human body in the car will keep moving at the earlier speed of the car until the body hits an external force, like a dashboard or airbag.

Similarly, an object thrown in space will continue infinitely in the same speed, on that path until it comes into contact with another object that exerts force to slow it down or change direction.

Newton’s second law of motion is F=ma or force equals mass times acceleration. For example, when you ride a bicycle, your pedalling creates the force necessary to accelerate. This law also explains why larger or heavier objects require more force to move and why hitting a small object with a cricket bat creates more damage than hitting a large object with the same bat.

The third law of motion is, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This is a simple symmetry to understand the world around us. When you sit in a chair, you are exerting force down upon the chair, but the chair is exerting an equal force to keep you upright.

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When was the universal law of gravitation proposed by Isaac Newton?

The universal law of gravitation was proposed by Newton in 1687. He used it to explain the observed motions of the planets and the Moon. Mass is a crucial quantity in Newton’s law of gravity.

According to the law, every particle in the universe attracts every other particle with a force. This force is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. It implies that the attractive force of gravity increases with the increase in mass and decreases with the increase in distance.

For example, if we transported an object of the mass ‘m’ to the surface of Neptune, the gravitational acceleration would change because both the radius and mass of Neptune differ from those of Earth. Thus, our object has mass ‘m’ both on the surface of Earth and on Neptune, but it will weigh much more on the surface of Neptune because the gravitational acceleration there is 11.15 m/s2. Thus, Newton was able to mathematically prove Kepler’s observations that the planets move in elliptical orbits.

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Is gravity what holds the entire solar system together?

Isaac Newton was the first to connect gravity to planets other than Earth. He proposed that other planets and stars also have gravitational force. In fact, it was present everywhere in the universe. Planets including Earth remain in their orbits and rotate around the Sun due to the force of gravity exerted by the Sun. It is Earth’s gravitational force that keeps the Moon moving in its orbit. The pull of the Earth causes Moon to travel in a curved path. 

The same principle applies to satellites in orbit around Earth. If Earth had no gravity, the satellites would fly off into space. We can very well say that gravity is what binds the solar system together.

The planets also disturb each other’s orbits due to gravity. These disturbances are termed as ‘perturbations.’ Scientists discovered Neptune because of the unexpected perturbations observed in the orbit of Uranus.

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How did Newton develop the idea of gravity?

The story commonly told is that Newton saw an apple falling from a tree and discovered gravity while thinking about the forces of nature. Another version says that the apple landed directly on his head. Either way, Newton realized that there must be some force acting upon all objects, causing them to fall.

He also considered the moon which should actually fly away from Earth in a straight-line tangent to its orbit if there hadn’t been a force binding it to Earth. He concluded that the moon is a projectile rotating around the Earth due to gravitational force.

Newton called this force ‘gravity’, something that pulls everything to the ground. The weight of an object is the measurement of the strength with which it is being pulled by gravity. Or in other words, gravity gives weight to physical objects. The reason we can keep our feet firmly on the ground and walk around is gravity. It is what stops objects from flying off into space.

Gravity is the force that had the effect of pushing on the planets and was equal to the pull of the sun. It is in fact responsible for many of the large-scale structures in the universe. Newton also explained the astronomical observations of Kepler using the concept of gravity.

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How did the publication of Newton’s researches with light help the people of his time?

Newton was famously slow in publishing his researches. His New Theory of Light and Colours appeared in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society only in 1672. The publication resulted in a dispute with Robert Hooke who was a dominant figure in the Society.

Newton’s experiments with white light had many practical applications that benefited the common man. Spectacles were a luxury only affordable for the upper classes in the seventeenth century. Even then, the glasses were of poor quality. In the decades following the publication of Newton’s research, amazing advancements were made in the design and manufacture of lens and spectacles.

Similarly, Newton’s findings were also applied to create sophisticated microscopes. Though microscopes existed even during his time, they were basic models that produced blurred images. With the development of better microscopes came breakthroughs in medicine and biology.

However, the most resounding impact of Newton’s work was perhaps the creation of an entirely new science, the science of spectroscopy. Spectroscopy is the study of light in relation to the length of the wave that has been emitted, reflected or shone through a solid, liquid, or gas.

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How did Newton’s experiments prove the components of white light?

Newton’s discoveries revolutionized our understanding of the most common aspects of nature such as light. Prisms were seen as trivial toys used for fun in laboratories until Newton came across them. He conducted a series of experiments with sunlight and prisms after getting a prism at a fair in 1664.

Newton made the astonishing discovery that clear white light was composed of seven visible colours. The visible spectrum, the seven colours of the rainbow, was scientifically established by Newton. This discovery opened new vistas in optics, physics, chemistry, and the study of the colours in nature.

One bright sunny day, Newton darkened his room and made a hole in his window shutter, allowing just one beam of sunlight to enter the room. He then took a glass prism and placed it in the sunbeam. The result was a spectacular multi-coloured band of light just like a rainbow.

Newton believed that all the colours he saw were in the sunlight shining into his room. He thought he then should be able to combine the colours of the spectrum and make the light white again. To test this, he placed another prism upside-down in front of the first prism. He was right. The band of colours combined again into white sunlight. Newton was the first to prove that white light is made up of all the colours that we can see.

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