Category Computer

What are Binary numbers?

Because we have eight fingers and two thumbs, it seems natural for human beings to count in tens. It is just as natural for a computer to count in twos, for it has to decide between ‘yes’ or ‘no’ for every step in a process.

In everyday numbers, the digits from 0 to 9 are read from left to right and are based on the power of ten. For example, 110 is one hundred, ne ten, and no units.

The binary system uses only two digits: 0 and 1. Numbers are read from right to left and are based on the power of two. Moving from the right, each digit doubles in value, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and so on. 

Words fed into a computer are stored as binary numbers. If text such as LOAD”FILE in BASIC, computer language is keyed in, the word LOAD could be processed.


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What are the four ways to send large files?

There’s always a need for some form of extra storage to transfer or send large files to our friends. While there are several external storage devices available in the market, one might not get an opportunity to meet a friend to hand these over in person. But, worry not. There are ways to send large files almost instantly using the Internet. We list four of them here:


Short for Virtual Private Network, VPN is an encrypted connection on the Internet from a device to a network. It helps ensure that data is transmitted safely and securely. It is also prevents unauthorized people from prying into your data.

Some Internet Service Providers use broadband traffic management to monitor users’ upload bandwidth. Using a VPN will block them from knowing how large your files are, enabling you to send them over the Internet.

File compression

This is a well-known method to send large files, either over the Internet or using external storage devices.

Use file compression software available online to compress the files into one big file. 7-Zip is popular file compression software available online that lets you compress different files into one.

Most files compression software will compress files into .zip format. Most operating systems have the capability to open .zip files. However, there are different types of software online that also let you open .zip files.

Free nine services

Over the years, several free online services have been launched that allow you to send large files securely over the Internet.

You can register with them and start sending files. However, most will allow you to send only a certain size of file in a month for free. You would mostly have to pay extra if you regularly send files over the free-size restriction.

Jumpshare, Dropbox, Securely Send and WeTransfer are some of the popular online services that are available. Some of these can also be downloaded to the computer and used when connected to Internet.

Cloud storage

One of the easiest and most popular methods to store and send large files is using cloud storage. Most of the popular email service providers such as Gmail and Outlook after cloud services.

You can upload all the files you want in a folder in Google Drive or OneDrive and share the link to the folder with your friend.

Alternatively, you can also send this folder as an attachment in your email. The folder and the files will remain in your drive until you delete them. And as long as your friend has the link, he too can see it and download the files.


Picture Credit : Google

What is a software update and why it is necessary?

Many times while using the computer, you can see a pop-up asking you to update particular software. While some of us choose to ignore it, a software update is necessary for the computer.

The need for a software update

A software update, also known as a software patch, is a set of changes to a computer program or its supporting codes, designed to fix, improve or update it.

An update is usually a free download for an application, operating system, and a software suite.

Usually, a software update offers fixes for features that are not working properly (bugs) or to ass minor enhancements and compatibility to the software. Sometimes they are released to address security issues, to improve the operation of hardware, and support new models of equipment.

A software update is not just limited to the computer. Any technology that uses software, such as a smart speaker or a smartwatch, requires a software update from time to time to keep it functioning in optional condition.

How is it beneficial?

They might be free, but software updates are important for the health of your system. Some of the benefits of a software update are:

It enhances existing features of the software, ensuring a seamless user experience at all times.
It protects the software and the system from any kind of security risk.
It fixes bugs in the software that can affect the user experience.
It extends the life of the equipment by allowing for its maximum productivity, while ensuring improved performance.

The difference between an update and an upgrade

We often use the words “update” and “upgrade” interchangeably. However, the two have many differences.

To start with, a software update adds new features to the existing product or fixes a problem.

However, a software upgrade is a new version of the software. This means there’s a significant change or improvement from the previous version of the software.

While software updates are free, a software upgrade can be priced. For example, if you are using Windows 7 as your operating system and you need to upgrade to Windows 10, you will have to buy the Windows 10 software. However, if you are lucky, Microsoft might allow for auto-upgradation of Windows 7 users to Windows 10.

Examples for a software update

Imagine you are using Adobe Reader to open the PDF documents on the system. As you use the software, you can encounter a minor issue of text getting jumbled up. You wonder what is wrong, and when you check online, you realize that there are others facing similar issues.

Soon, Adobe will get to know about the problem and release an update to fix it. This will come to you as a pop-up on your computer, or when you open the software. All you need to do is to install the update and voila! Your issue has been fixed.


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What are the fun facts about PowerPoint?

Not develop for Microsoft

We might know PowerPoint as software from Microsoft. But unlike Word and Excel, PowerPoint was not developed for Microsoft. The presentation program was created by Robert Gaskins and Dennis Austin at a software company named Forethought, Inc.

Not just for presentations

While PowerPoint is primarily presentation software, one can also use it to make infographics, GIFs, quizzes, photo albums and more!

Designed for MAC

WHEN Gaskins was working on PowerPoint, he designed it for the Macintosh OS (macOS). PowerPoint was released for MAC on April 20, 1987. Just three months after its release, the product was acquired by Microsoft from Forethought, Inc for $14 million.

It’s Karaoke time!

Yes, PowerPoint Karaoke is the current fad, though it does not involve music or singing. It is an improvisational activity, where a participant makes a presentation based on a set of slides he or she has never seen before! Imagine how comical this could turn out to be. PowerPoint Karaoke originated in January 2006 in Berlin as a creation of a collective of writers and artists.

Presenter to PowerPoint

The first version of PowerPoint, which was designed for MAC, was called ‘Presenter’. However, due to Trademark issues, the name had to be scrapped. It was later changed to PowerPoint.


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What are the fun facts about MS Word?

Not always called Word

MS Word was released on October 25, 1983 under the name Multi-Tool Word. However, the marketing department of the company thought the name was too long, so they shortened it to its current name, Word.

Check that spelling?

Word helps thousands today by prompting spelling and grammatical errors. However, the AutoCorrect feature and the red squiggly line you see under misspelt words were introduced with Word 95 in the year 1933.

Before that users had to check their spelling and grammar on their own.

Say ‘Hello’ to Clippy!

With the version of Word 97, Microsoft introduced Clippy, an animated interactive paperclip. Clippy was a word assistant which would assist users with formatting word documents. However, Clippy is said to be despised by many users, as it would distract them. Microsoft finally pulled Clippy out of service with the release of Word 2007.

Not the first word processor

Word is popular around the world, but it wasn’t the first word processor to have been developed. That credit goes to Bravo. In 1981, Microsoft hired Charles Simonyi, the primary developer of Bravo. It was Simpnyi who developed MS Word along with others.

Games for features

While Clippy made its exit with Word 2007, Microsoft introduced the ‘Ribbon’ feature in this version. It was a change in the user-interface for most users. However, to ease the process, Microsoft developed Ribbon Hero, a video game to educate users about the features of MS Word.


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How do computers work?

               A computer is a device for processing information very rapidly and accurately. It processes words, pictures, sounds and numbers, and some computers can make billions of calculations per second. Most computers are digital, which means that they convert all the data, or information, entering the computer into the digits 0 or 1.

               The heart of a computer is a microprocessor, which contains millions of tiny electronic devices on a silicon chip. Other chips form the computer’s memory, where information is stored until needed. Computers vary from small hand-held devices to desktop computers. Large computers used in industry and for military purposes are called mainframe computers.

Picture credit: google


Radio and Electronics

What are silicon chips?

A silicon chip is a tiny wafer of silicon (a semiconductor) on which a complete electronic device can be produced. An image is produced photographically and etched onto the chip, but it differs from a printed circuit in some important ways. The chip is often microscopically small and contains huge amounts of ‘wiring’. More importantly, part of the process allows other devices to be produced in the manufacturing process, such as tiny resistors and capacitors. So a silicon chip, or integrated circuit, which measures just a few millimeters across, is a complete electronic device.

Picture credit: google



How do computers work?

A computer is a device for processing information very rapidly and accurately. It processes words, pictures, sounds and numbers, and some computers can make billions of calculations per second. Most computers are digital, which means that they convert all the data, or information, entering the computer into the digits 0 or 1.

The heart of a computer is a microprocessor, which contains millions of tiny electronic devices on a silicon chip. Other chips form the computer’s memory, where information is stored until needed. Computers vary from small hand-held devices to desktop computers. Large computers used in industry and for military purposes are called mainframe computers.

Picture credit: google



How does radar work?

Radar works by sending out a beam of high- frequency radio waves, which are reflected back when they strike a solid object. The radio waves can also be reflected by clouds or other weather features. The reflected waves are collected and used to produce an image. Usually the radar beam is emitted from a rotating scanner, so a complete 360° image is produced. Radar is important in the navigation of ships, aircraft, and weather forecasting.

Picture credit: google


What is Artificial Intelligence?

               When we speak of intelligence we refer to the natural intelligence of people which means their inherent mental ability. But artificial intelligence is the intelligence of machines that can think like human minds. Of late, scientists have developed computers which can perform tasks that require intelligence. The successful performance of such tasks which need some thinking and analysis has again generated the old debate whether machine is superior to man or vice versa?

               Nowadays machines can easily recognize and read printed words. Autopilots, which are computerized machines, can fly aircrafts. These intelligent machines can also recognize and respond to sound and voice and also learn to rectify the mistakes committed. Even computers can play chess so brilliantly that they sometimes outwit the human beings. The whole world was stunned when an IBM computer defeated the world champion Gary Kasparov in a game of chess. But does this mean that artificial intelligence is superior to the natural intelligence of man?

               A computer carries out a series of operations as per the programs developed by computer programmers. This means that the human intelligence works behind the artificial intelligence of machines. Artificial intelligence has its limitations as it depends on the amount of stored information in it to make a decision whereas the natural intelligence is not handicapped by any such limitations.

               Now research is underway to create sound links with computers so as to enable them to recognize human speech and thus receive the feedback orally rather than inserting the instructions through the keyboard. This development of direct interaction with machines or computers would be another milestone in the field of artificial intelligence.

               Now artificial intelligence research covers the areas of planning, language understanding, and pattern recognition and knowledge representation. But whether it can ever surpass the natural intelligence of man, only the future can say.


How can we measure intelligence Quotient?

          Most scientists define intelligence as the ability to learn, understand and analyze things, accompanied by a good memory and imagination. This implies that intelligence is a mixture of several abilities. We know that intelligence level differs from person to person depending upon the aforesaid traits. But can we measure intelligence so that the difference level can be clearly established? Till today neither the above definition of intelligence has been universally accepted nor do the various tests to measure it have a common appeal. In spite of the difficulties, there is one way widely used to measure intelligence — the Intelligence Quotient (IQ) test. But what is IQ?

          ‘IQ’ is the abbreviation of a psychological phenomenon called ‘Intelligence Quotient’. It is expressed in a number. The IQ of an individual is obtained by dividing his mental age (it is determined by the performance on a standardized intelligence test) by his chronological age and multiplying the result by 100.

          The mental age of an individual is determined with the help of different tests. Persons are classified under different categories depending on their IQ scores. 

          At one time, many psychologists believed that everyone had some degree of inborn intelligence. It was also believed that intelligence was a natural trait like blue eyes, sharp nose etc. and could be ascertained in a single test. But a French psychologist, Alfred Binet, exploded this myth. He worked over this problem in an attempt to develop a test that would help to distinguish between intelligent and dull children. His first tests were given to some French school children in 1905. Later in 1915, these tests were adopted by the German psychologist William Stern and US psychologist Lewis Terman.

          Many psychologists believe that these intelligence tests are not the true indicators of one’s intelligence level and therefore do not give a complete picture of the factors that make up intelligence. For example, some tests measure what one has learnt but not how quickly he has learnt. We know that the grasping power of different people is different. They differ in their ability to understand and remember ideas.

          They also differ in the use of their knowledge and earlier experiences to solve problems. Hence till today there is no fully accepted definition of intelligence.

          It has been, however, concluded that intelligence mainly depends on heredity and the environment. Every person is born with a certain mental ability. The development of that ability may be activated or slowed down by his or her background. The socialization process which includes the environment plays a major role in shaping one’s intelligence. A child becomes a quick learner in areas which he experiences and observes in his day-to-day life. A child who is constantly ridiculed or beaten may develop a complex due to which he or she may not be able to develop his or her intellectual abilities fully. Many children who face discrimination because of race or physical defects fail to develop their mental abilities well. From these facts, it is clear that intelligence is not a natural trait like blue eyes. There is not a single trait that can be called intelligence, nor any single factor which determines it. 

How can we measure IQ?

          Most scientists define intelligence as the ability to learn, understand and analyze things, accompanied by a good memory and imagination. This implies that intelligence is a mixture of several abilities. We know that intelligence level differs from person to person depending upon the aforesaid traits. But can we measure intelligence so that the difference level can be clearly established? Till today neither the above definition of intelligence has been universally accepted nor do the various tests to measure it have a common appeal. In spite of the difficulties, there is one way widely used to measure intelligence — the Intelligence Quotient (IQ) test. But what is IQ? 

          ‘IQ’ is the abbreviation of a psychological phenomenon called ‘Intelligence Quotient’. It is expressed in a number. The IQ of an individual is obtained by dividing his mental age (it is determined by the performance on a standardized intelligence test) by his chronological age and multiplying the result by 100.

          The mental age of an individual is determined with the help of different tests. Persons are classified under different categories depending on their IQ scores.

          At one time, many psychologists believed that everyone had some degree of inborn intelligence. It was also believed that intelligence was a natural trait like blue eyes, sharp nose etc. and could be ascertained in a single test. But a French psychologist, Alfred Binet, exploded this myth. He worked over this problem in an attempt to develop a test that would help to distinguish between intelligent and dull children. His first tests were given to some French school children in 1905. Later in 1915, these tests were adopted by the German psychologist William Stern and US psychologist Lewis Terman. 

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