Category Fun Facts

What are the fun facts about MS Word?

Not always called Word

MS Word was released on October 25, 1983 under the name Multi-Tool Word. However, the marketing department of the company thought the name was too long, so they shortened it to its current name, Word.

Check that spelling?

Word helps thousands today by prompting spelling and grammatical errors. However, the AutoCorrect feature and the red squiggly line you see under misspelt words were introduced with Word 95 in the year 1933.

Before that users had to check their spelling and grammar on their own.

Say ‘Hello’ to Clippy!

With the version of Word 97, Microsoft introduced Clippy, an animated interactive paperclip. Clippy was a word assistant which would assist users with formatting word documents. However, Clippy is said to be despised by many users, as it would distract them. Microsoft finally pulled Clippy out of service with the release of Word 2007.

Not the first word processor

Word is popular around the world, but it wasn’t the first word processor to have been developed. That credit goes to Bravo. In 1981, Microsoft hired Charles Simonyi, the primary developer of Bravo. It was Simpnyi who developed MS Word along with others.

Games for features

While Clippy made its exit with Word 2007, Microsoft introduced the ‘Ribbon’ feature in this version. It was a change in the user-interface for most users. However, to ease the process, Microsoft developed Ribbon Hero, a video game to educate users about the features of MS Word.


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